
Automelec is your trusted partner for design, supply, installation and commissioning services in the fields of low voltage, instrumentation, fire detection and video surveillance.

When it comes to low current, our team of experts specializes in the selection and installation of logic and analog sensors. We also master the calibration of analog sensors, as well as their remote configuration using Hart topology. We are also skilled in the integration of intelligent instrumentation communicating via Profibus PA, enabling advanced and efficient data management.

Fire detection is an essential aspect of safety in any environment. At Automelec, we are committed to providing you with reliable, high-performance fire detection solutions, ensuring rapid reaction in the event of an incident to protect your property and your employees.

When it comes to video surveillance, we offer state-of-the-art systems to monitor and secure your premises. Our solutions are tailored to your specific needs, offering real-time surveillance and the option of saving images for later analysis.

Trust Automelec for all your needs in low voltage, instrumentation, fire detection and video surveillance. Our recognized expertise in these fields guarantees technologically advanced solutions that comply with the strictest safety standards. We are committed to providing you with quality services, ensuring the protection of your assets and the smooth running of your installations.

Expertise in low voltage, instrumentation, fire detection & video surveillance

Automelec, your trusted partner, offers comprehensive services in low voltage, instrumentation, fire detection and video surveillance. Our team of experts masters the installation of logic and analog sensors, calibration and remote configuration in Hart topology.

We offer high-performance fire detection solutions and advanced video surveillance systems, guaranteeing the safety and protection of your assets. Rely on our recognized expertise for technologically advanced solutions that comply with the strictest safety standards.


Low voltage, Instrumentation

We offer customized low-current solutions with a precise selection of logic and analog sensors, remote configuration via Hart topology and an intelligent instrumentation system in Profibus PA for advanced data management.

Fire detection

Nous assurons votre sécurité grâce à l'installation de systèmes de détection incendie de pointe, répondant aux normes de sécurité les plus strictes. Nos solutions détectent rapidement les départs de feu et alertent immédiatement les occupants, protégeant ainsi vos biens et collaborateurs.


Nos solutions de vidéosurveillance performantes vous permettent de surveiller et sécuriser en temps réel vos installations grâce à nos caméras de haute qualité. Elles peuvent être associées à un système d'enregistrement pour conserver les images précieuses.
